Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Why do I hate weekends

1) I have to have a good answer to the question that is repeatedly asked on every Monday by everyone that I meet....
"How was your weekend?? what did you do??

2) Doing nothing / cleaning up your house / sleep / watching a movie is considered a sign of being a loner /loser

3) Drinking beer / getting wasted is the coolest thing ever

4) Going on a hike in the bright hot sun and getting sun burnt is the sign of loving adventure.

5) You get sympathy for having missed out on something you never wanted to do

6) Managing your bank work / other finances = geek /nerd

Alrite.. enuff said... whats my point here??? .. simple ...
making the best use of a weekend is strictly voluntary and very relative. For some it might be skydiving, for others it might be sitting in starbucks and blogging their thoughts.

Its the "getting away from the rigmarole" and "recharging your batteries" that counts not how you do it....


Sunday, January 07, 2007


I have always maintained that Spiderman is my favourite super hero because the whole comic book sort of makes sense to me. And the recent Spiderman movies have been great too and I am much awaiting Spiderman-3 , the trailer looks awesome.

Neways, whenever Spiderman is pitted against Superman, Batman and other superheroes in a discussion, I havent really bothered or cared as to why people are batman/ superman fans.

As I sat watching Kill Bill 2 (again) on a Saturday night, I was fascinated by the famous Tarantino monologue about Superman which gave me a completely new perspective about Superman and realised how people have their own unique reasons to love their superheroes.

Here's the monologue:

"As you know, I'm quite keen of comic books, especially the ones about superheroes. I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating. Take my favorite superhero; Superman, not a great comic book, not particularly well-drawn, but the mythology; the mythology is not only great, it's unique.
Now, the staple of the superhero mythology is; there is the superhero and there is the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spiderman is actually Peter Parker; when that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spiderman and it is in that characteristic, Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman, Superman was born Superman. When superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent, his outfit with the big red “S”. That's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears; the glasses, the business suit, that's the costume; that’s the costume that Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us, and what are the characteristics of Clark Kent; he’s weak, he’s unsure of himself, he’s a coward. Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the whole human race, sorta like Beatrix Kiddo and Mrs. Tommy Plympton."

If you liked it check out this link on youtube - Superman monologue.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye 2006.... here comes 2007

Its 2:50 am Eastern time... yes I am in NYC for New Year's weekend.. and being a California resident, I am blogging in my first hour of the year 2007.

Just wanted to put something in... coz I am so sure I wont get time to write any other time today... mostly mite sleep off all day before my flight to SFO this evening...

As I was thinking as to what to blog here on 1st Jan 2007, I thought of a lot of things... finally realised something I had heard while watching "Seinfeld". I dont need to specifically blog about something. Just like "The Pilot" in Seinfeld , I am going to blog... mostly about nothing...

lets see how that goes...

finally, NYC rocks and I must say it reminded me of Mumbai :)

last words,
Goodbye 2006 (was a wonderful year)....
and welcome 2007